On my RM16AI, I'm trying to create subgroups so that I can compress or EQ my subgroups as needed. I'd like to keep mix 1-8 as aux sends for monitors, so I've made mix 9 drums and mix 10 horns. The problem is, nothing I'm doing on these sub groups is reflected in the main mix. I'm creating these subgroups by selecting mix>switch from 'aux' to 'sub'>edit>select channels>done...Is there something I need to do after I hit done to assign these groups to the main mix? Muting, bringing fader all the way down, EQ compression, none of it is working.I realize that I can group using DCA's, but that leaves me without any option to EQ or compress.
For reference here's what I'm running:
Presonus RM16AI
UC Surface
Lenovo L440 running Windows 10, 16GB RAM, Intel i5 4330 CPU.