Questions & Answers

Impossible to listen on studiolive from studio one 3

0 votes
asked Jun 23, 2017 in StudioLive Series III by axelsurina (200 points)
Hello everyone,

first, i'm sorry for my english, i'm french but i'll try to be clear...

I get recently the mix tab StudioLive AR12 with the software Studio one 3.

I'm really happy of the result.

We try the recording with SD card --> all it's ok, sound ok and we can listen on computer or directly on the speaker plug on the mix table.
We try recording on StudioOne 3, in multitracks, it's ok, sound very good but my problem is here. we can listen records on the computer, but impossible to listen it by the speakers plugged on the mix table.
However i adjust inputs/outputs on the mix table and nothing! no sound from speakers, i try so many hours since 4 weeks, i think my head will burst! i looking for on many forum but there is not lot of people who get this mix table so no answers...
I hope i'll have an answer.
Except that i really like this gear and it's the last thing i have to understand to make everything perfect.

Thanks. Axel

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jun 26, 2017 by abrand2 (32,110 points)
0 votes
answered Jun 29, 2017 by axelsurina (200 points)
Thx abrand2, i'll try with this tomorrow !