When producing songs, certain parts such as an intro, may be quite loose and flow according to a mood rather than a precise grid, while the meat of the song may be heavily grid dependent. This can lead to your song starting (post-intro) somewhere between a bar on a grid division, rather than at the start of a bar. For this reason, a feature request to allow markers or ranges (arranger track) to be used to visually reset the grid line divisions so that you can have the post-intro start of your song for example, start visually on a bar grid division. Here is an image depicting what I'm trying to explain using markers (notice the marker resetting the bold grid lines after bar 4): 
This could be a context menu option when right-clicking on a marker/range to enable it to function as a grid division reset point. This request mentions nothing to do with manipulating time, it is merely to reset the grid alignment to help as a visual aid when arranging.
It could also benefit the workflow when merging events that start and end somewhere between one bar and another respectively, as currently, when merging such an event, the resulting event is widened left toward the start of the bar, and right toward the end of the bar. This can be frustrating and require one to resize events upon each merge when they do not start/end on a bar grid division. This feature request could be used to solve that circumstantial issue as with a grid reset, merges would be less prone to widening and overlapping other events.
The markers/ranges could be also further improved to allow them to set custom quantisations for a period of time, but a marker/range with such a setting enabled should likely have some visual indicator to show it overriding the global quantisation setting. This should likely be another FR however.