Questions & Answers

Can an Akai MIDImix controller be used as control surface for Universal Controller with RML 16ai?

+2 votes
asked Jul 3, 2017 in Ai Mixers by Martin Dolbear (270 points)
Can an Akai MIDImix controller connected to a notebook computer running  PreSonus Universal Controller with a RML16ai function as a control surface for a live mix?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 3, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer
Stand alone, you can't use the MIDI Jacks on the back of the RM/RML to control the functions of the mixer. UC Surface does not support remote MIDI Mapping.

However, you can do this by using Studio One, when Studio One launches, it takes control of the Mixer (like our Studio 192 series). Map your controller through the DAW to control the pre-amp gain, fader levels, mute, pan, solo. Create mixes and map the mixes to your MIDI Controller. You basically use Studio One in place of your UC Surface software.

You'll need to make sure your RM / RML mixer is connected via 1394 to your system to make this work.