Questions & Answers

Cutting midi in track view should show automation events still present

+1 vote
asked Jul 3, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by jonamsler (230 points)
If you cut a portion of a midi part in track view, the track shows two separate midi parts with a hole between them or a shorter midi part. However, cutting/deleting in this manner only removes notes and not any automation (like sustain pedal events which are classified as automation). Looking at the track view you can't see this. If you crop the midi to content the other events are then revealed in track view. It would be better if the track view immediately shows the automation still present after a delete or cut action. It also would be useful to have the option when cutting or deleting midi to cut all events in the selected range including automation at one time. At present you have to delete the automation separately in the event editor which is cumbersome.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 3, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
Best answer

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