Questions & Answers

Why my audiobox 22VSL doesn't work?

–1 vote
asked Oct 25, 2015 in AudioBox USB by hamidbekhrad (110 points)

1.Hi...My problem is that I downloaded and installed the latest Driver version for my Aoudiobox 22VSL from presonus site and as it said it's compatible with win7,8 and 10...(my win is 10), I set the default sound card on my audiobox but when play a music it does not work (I mean no sound comes from monitors) even the test sound in propertise doesn't work and no light turns on beside test button...what can I do?

2. Iinstalled studio one 3 both on win 7 and 10 but an error happends while runnig and says the windows should be updated or service pack 1 (while the win 7 is with service pack 1)...!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 26, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
Make sure the Mix Knob on the 22VSL is not turned all the way to the right.

The Mixer knob allows you to blend your input signals with the playback streams from your computer. This allows you to monitor your input signal with zero latency. If the knob is positioned at 12 o’clock, the input signal and the playback stream will be equally balanced. Turning the knob to the left will increase the level of the input signal relative to the playback stream; turning to the right will increase the level of the playback stream relative to the input signal.

If you're still having trouble open a support ticket with us at so we can help you as the problem may be deeper than just this.