Questions & Answers

Interface selection for remote control network

+1 vote
asked Jul 8, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by adamkessler (820 points)
I have a network scenario which includes multiple network interfaces on a S1 DAW workstation as part of a Dante enabled network. With more than one interface available for connection to Studio One in this scenario, my instance chose the Dante network which is discreet from the wireless network my Android and IOS devices reside on. As a result there was no communication with S1. Even though a scan revealed the presence of a controllable instance, it reported S1 as being on the Dante network. To remedy this it was necessary to go into the OS of the DAW workstation and change the priority metric of the interfaces involved so the proper interface had the highest priority. For some reason, I feel this scenario may becoming more prevalent with the spread of Dante and of security concerns. In these types of commercial environments secured networks and public networks are becoming the norm. Would it be possible to have S1 define its network affinity for remote control? Could a check box be provided which would do this at the application level in the network tab where remote control is switchable?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 8, 2017 by Skip Jones (166,970 points)
selected May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

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