Questions & Answers

History Workflow

+4 votes
asked Jul 15, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by jorgepinto1 (4,720 points)
Thank you very much for the History Window which allows me to see all the changes I've made to a mix.

Please consider the following change to the History Window.

When I open the history window, it shows the very first recorded history event that's available for UNDO. However, i'm more interested in the very last History event. To see the very last event, I have to scroll way down. It would easier if either the last History event showed up at the top, or the display immediately went to the bottom of the window.

This is not a critical feature but a nice to have to enhance workflow.

Thank you


1 Answer

+3 votes
answered Jul 16, 2017 by Skip Jones (166,990 points)
selected May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, then please vote it up, or down. 

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The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

You are allowed one vote. 

Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 
