Questions & Answers

History: Can I restore/undo a specific entry or do I have to take all back to the specific entry.

+2 votes
asked Aug 17, 2016 in Studio One 3 by egri5th (400 points)
Newbie User:  I made several hours of adjustments to a theater mix only to discover that at some time I had accidentally deleted one character's dialog for the entire Act 1.  I can see where I made my mistake in "history" but I don't want to "undo" everything that I did after the accidental deletion.  Is there a way to only undo the specific history line item rather than undoing every change from now to then?

Studio One 3 (current)
ASUS ROG I7 w/SSD and 32Gb RAM

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 17, 2016 by egri5th (400 points)
This doesn't answer my history question but I did manage to fix my problem by using history to go back to the deletion point, then select and copy the data, then in history restore back to current and then paste the missing data.  I had to do some minor timing adjustments but all is better now.  Hours of work were not lost.