Questions & Answers

My studio one 3 records midi with vst, but does not play.

0 votes
asked Aug 8, 2017 in Studio One 3 by marcelopasalagua (150 points)
edited Aug 8, 2017 by marcelopasalagua
My studio one 3 perfectly records midi with vst, but does not play them. I use a presonus auidobox board, any suggestions please

Plays but only random notes, not the ones you recorded, and regardless of the duration of the MIDI event.


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 14, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Sorry to hear about the recent issues you have been experiencing.

Delete your Studio One settings and reconfigure your MIDI devices:

1.  Go to Help>Open Settings folder.

2.  Copy the contents of the folder over to a folder on your desktop.

3.  Close S1 and delete the contents of the settings folder with the exception of the user.license file as well as the "Extensions" folder.

4.  Open S1 and go to Studio One>Options (Preferences on a Mac) to reconfigure your settings.

5.  Test to see if the problem is resolved.  If it is not, please feel free to copy your settings files back over from the backup that you created in step 2.  

*If you are missing presets or Sound Sets after doing this, simply double-click one of your Sound Sets under Documents>Studio One>Sound Sets.

Please create a support ticket if you would like to discuss this in more detail.

Here is a link to create a ticket:
0 votes
answered Oct 4, 2017 by elimaagic (340 points)

I have had a similar problem, so I'm answering, in case anyone else finds this, and is looking for an answer.
My Keyboard's Midi would play, but there were random notes thrown in, or repeated, and it was so frustrating figuring it out, but really try opening up your external devices settings, and reconnect it, until it works. It usually takes about 4 reconnections, for me, when I'm having this problem. 
