Questions & Answers

Melodyne 4 Editor tempo editor does not work in Studio One Professional

0 votes
asked Aug 24, 2017 in Studio One 3 by rickbreckwoldt (370 points)
I am unable to get the tempo editor portion of Melodyne 4 Editor to work in Studio One Professional.  I have a piano track that varies time and I want Melodyne Edition tempo editor to plot the tempo so I can drag and drop it into the tempo bar at the top of the interfeace so I can then use EZDrummer and have a drum track that varies time with the music.   The tempo editor in Melodyne, when opened in SO, shows a constant tempo, which it is nit. If the track is opened when Melodyne is opened as a stand alone program outside of SO, the tempo editor then works.  Please help me to enable the tempo editor of Melodyne inside of SO.

Rick Breckwoldt

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 25, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer
Hi Rick,

It should work much the same as it does for you standalone, for detecting tempo.   After detecting tempo you should be able to drag and drop the clip to the tempo track to bring that tempo into Studio One's tempo map.   

If that's not working as you expect you should contact Celemony tech support to see if they can offer any assistance.