Questions & Answers

Can a SL Series III Console control a Series III Rack Mixer wirelessly via a WiFi router?

0 votes
asked Oct 1, 2017 in StudioLive Series III by adminloyolasmc (150 points)
In some cases I need to remotely control a rack mixer with physical controls instead of touch screen, but I cannot run a hard wire connection.

Can a Studio Live 16 Series III console control a Series III 32 Rack Mixer via WiFi if both control ports are connected to the same WiFi network?  I know audio cannot be passed, but what about control?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Oct 2, 2017 by Michael Martin (89,010 points)
Best answer
Series 3 consoles do not have the ability to 'control' a Series 3 Rack mixer via network. Only Tablet or computers running UC Surface can control the console or rack mixers when ran as stand-alone devices.