Questions & Answers

FaderPort cashback

0 votes
asked Oct 18, 2017 in FaderPort 8 by phoniq (1,480 points)

i'm owner Studio One and FaderPort. I can buy new Studio One and FaderPort 8 or FaderPort 16.

Is it any action (cashback), when i send you my old faderPort and we give me discount for buying new faderport 8 (16)?

Thank you very much

Petr Hochvald

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 22, 2017 by donaldbaarns (9,880 points)
I might be missing something. The original Faderport wasn't real expensive.

I don't work for PreSonus, but so far I haven't seen any promotions on upgrading. (I'm not sure why they should...) The cost to them to take one back, recondition/verify/re-package means lots of cost for little gain.

It won't surprise me if the newer ones go on sale at some point, but nobody knows if/when that may happen. (It may not.)

You can always sell existing hardware on eBay, Craigslist or other places. Sweetwater has demo units that are $50 off, that is always an option too.