Questions & Answers

Faderport 8 Freezing Studio 6 while mixing and recording

0 votes
asked Dec 30, 2023 in FaderPort 8 by robertneale (120 points)
I am having a problem with Studio 6 (the latest version) Freezing when my Faderport 8 is plugged in and I am using it. If I turn the Faderport off Studio one unfreezes and resumes at where the track should be if it kept playing rather than freezing.  I can turn the faderport off and then back on and it will come back on line with Studio 6 and work flawlessly for  awhile and then the cycle repeats. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Complete Control and all software updates as well as firmware. I am at a loss and it interrupts my workflow.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 26 by TomGillitt (140 points)

I have exactly the same problem! 

Watching for any replies as I think this is a glitch in V6 of Studio One Pro.
