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Wishing for a WiFi enabled 24 channel fader controller that only has faders and mutes.

+1 vote
asked Nov 9, 2017 in Atom Feature Requests by Engineer CJSR (160 points)

I'm hunting for a product that dose not seem to exist. The closest I've found is your new FaderPortâ„¢ 16: 16-channel Mix Production Controller. But it is not quite what I require.  
What I need is a 24 channel, remote, wireless fader pack that can sit on my lap or on a small table. It must connect to a full mixer via WIFI, just like an iPad. I need 24 actual faders with nothing but a mute button, a select button and a writing strip. And a single master fader with a mute button. And it must interface with other consoles via WIFI as well as PreSonus. 
I've been forced lately to mix in lounges on an iPad. This works fine for setting eqs and compressors and effects etc., but is terrible for fader moves during the show. 
Would this be something that PreSonus be interesting to pursue? 
I LOVE mixing on PreSonus StudioLive consoles. I do many shows on them. They are my hands down favorite for live mixing. 
Miles Wilkinson 

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer

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0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2018 by peterlindblom1 (1,670 points)
I would love this - but it would be enough if it could have a usb port to connect with a computer with UC.

The important thing is that it should be without nobbs that we dont use as on faderport 16