Questions & Answers

Connecting Studiolive 16.0.2 to computer without firewire.

+1 vote
asked Nov 16, 2015 in Classic Mixers by se1 (160 points)
I'm looking to purchase a Studiolive 16.0.2 but the computer being used doesn't have a firewire port. Is there any other wired or wireless way or USB which can connect the mixer to the Studio One DAW on my PC? Also does this mixer have motorized sliders?

1 Answer

+4 votes
answered Nov 17, 2015 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
Best answer
The only alternative to FW is if you have a thunderbolt port, and utilize the FW to Thunderbolt adapter. If the PC is a desktop, and you have slots available, you can add a PCI/PCIe FW card. On a laptop there are expresscard FW adapters available if you have an expresscard slot.


There are no motorized faders on the Studio Live mixers. The CS18 is the first presonus product with motorized faders, and is designed as a dual purpose control surface for the RM mixers and Studio One.