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BUG - Effect Thumbnails Not Preserved When VST Manufacturer Has a '.' In the Name

+9 votes
asked Dec 3, 2017 in Studio One 3 by tomboughner (930 points)

Whenever I create a new thumbnail for an Izotope or UAD plugin, all of the other thumbnails for plugins from these vendors disappear after a reload of Studio One.  My Snapshots folder still contains all of the thumbnails, however.  I believe the issue is that the UAD and Izotope plugins all have their VST Manufacturer field set to "Universal Audio, Inc." or "Izotope, Inc.".  Windows doesn't allow periods at the end of folder names, so the folders where the thumbnails are stored end up being called "Universal Audio, Inc" and "Izotope, Inc".  This seems to throw Studio One off when loading the thumbnails, as it probably looks for a folder name that exactly matches the vendor name.  Should be an easy fix - just remove periods (and possibly other illegal folder name characters) from the vendor ID when searching for the correct folder.

5 Answers

+5 votes
answered Jun 9, 2018 by tvonsv (1,810 points)

I'm affected by this bug as well.

I didn't track exactly which plugins lost their thumbnails, but I can say for sure that a few of my iZotope & UAD plugins did. I didn't notice it for plugins from other companies. Interestingly, not all plugins from these 2 manufacturers seem to be affected, either (well, on my machine, that is). Here are some examples I'm confident about:

NOT affected (did not lose their thumbnails)

  • iZo Ozone 8 EQ (and, I believe, the Dynamics module is persistent as well)
  • UAD Lexicon 224

Affected (did lose their thumbnails):

  • iZo Neutron 2
  • iZo Neutron 2 Mix Tap
  • UAD Eden WT800
  • UAD Fairchild 670
  • UAD Tube-tech CL1B
  • UAD Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor
  • UAD Oxford Dynamic EQ
I'm on Win7, using Studio One Win x64 (Built on Mar 20 2018)
Please fix this bug - it's really annoying! With large plugins collections, I find that even the folder view gets crowded, and as such thumbnails are a crucial tool to still find plugins reasonably quickly.
+3 votes
answered Jul 8, 2018 by Verhext (500 points)
hello ??

this issue has been around for years,  none of my UAD plugins ever preserved the thumbnails ...
+4 votes
answered Jul 28, 2018 by Fer2010 (760 points)
I have this issue also. It's exactly as you describe, and for me it affects all of those plugins.

So for instance, whenever I add one new thumbnail for a UAD plug-in, all thumbnails for UAD plug-ins that previously existed to not show up in the browser anymore. (The one new one I added does)

The issue seems linked with the use of a .  or ,  in the plug-in manufacturer's name. As far as I know on the Mac this is no issue. Only on Windows.

Especially now Studio One 4 is out I had expected this to be fixed, but the problem is still the same.
+5 votes
answered Nov 18, 2018 by steviemasters (3,050 points)
Why has this not been fixed yet?  Most annoying and should be corrected.
+2 votes
answered Feb 25, 2019 by brionreid (2,330 points)

I got all my iZotope thumnails again!
Realized that my iZotope plug-in thumbnails were disappearing... when I got new iZotope stuff / added new thumbnails.
For whatever reason Presonus can make a thumbnail file for iZotope if you do it all in one session but not if you add another one later because you missed one or buy more.  So, either take ALL you thumnails again in one session or ...

In the Snapshots directory, in your Songs folder, there are folders for each plug-in manufacture you have.
In each folder is one non-image file called "snapshots.json".  This file can be opened with a simple text editor (don't add formatting)
In it is an xml style hierarchy showing this...
            "cid": "{56535449-4E53-3049-6E73-696768742032}",
            "default": "Insight 2.png"
This SHOULD contain an entry for every iZotope plug-in but Studio One is overwriting the content of this file with just the new thumbnails you add one later.  So the last ones you add in any one session are the only ones the next time you open StudioOne.
So the solution is to make a backup copy of this file.  Leave it in the same directory but add ".COPY" to the end.   The next time you notice a thumbnail missing and add it the new entry will be in the file and your old ones won't.  Simply open your backup and copy/add the the inner most indented text to the new file.  Don't forget to add a comma between the old and new section.
If should look like this...
            "cid": "{56535449-4E53-3049-6E73-696768742032}",
            "default": "Insight 2.png"
        }, <<add comma or StudioOne will not read any further
            "cid": "{5653545A-6E42-5469-5A6F-746F70652042}",
            "default": "iZotope BreakTweaker.png"
            "cid": "{5653545A-6972-3269-5A6F-746F70652049}",
            "default": "iZotope Iris 2.png"
Note: you have to totally exist Studio One and reopen it to see the changes. Refreshing plugins doesn't work.
Good luck.
