Questions & Answers

Comparing AR8 to 22VSL and iTwo

0 votes
asked Dec 14, 2017 in AudioBox USB by mikemcknight (190 points)
I am considering getting an AR8 as a replacement for my 22VSL.  I also have an iTwo, unused, now that I have decided that direct recording to an iPad is  an option that I won’t be using.  Any pros or cons about using the AR8 as the primary audio interface?  I think the direct to SD feature is something I would use a lot.

Thanks in advance.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 28, 2018 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer
Pro and cons can sometimes be very subjective.  Everyone has their own method of work and intended use.

Generally speaking, I might say that the advantage of an AR8 is that is combines a traditional mixing console with an audio interface.  Good for many things that allow for this method of work.  

Advantage of an AudioBox would be that its smaller and most controls are done on the computer.  

Each have their advantages and disadvantages depending on how you use them.

You are the Engineer.  You are the Artist.  

Just my philosophy anyway.