Questions & Answers

Audiobox 22vsl and USB type C tablet PC win 10 64 bits CLICKS AND STATIC

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asked Apr 29, 2016 in AudioBox USB by mazfish (120 points)

My audio interface  22vsl is recognized by pc ( Dell XPS 12 9250 win 10 64 bits with 8 gb RAM) usb type C port but it cannot initialize using Studio One 3 . I have the latest interface driver and latest version of Studio One professional.

The messages at Studio One 3 start are:

The audio device AudioBox has failed to star correctly before. Do you want to try again?

I answered YES and then: 

The audio device AudioBox could not be initialized. Please check your hardware configuration and try again.

The AdioBox 22VSL interface is connected to an original usb cable and is connected to an adapter ( USB 2 to USB type C ) and then to the tablet.

Finally it worked but with clicks and static.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 12, 2016 by ryanmiller13 (18,150 points)
The issue most likely lies with having to use the adapter.  Tablets like this can be finicky and sometimes will not support audio interface devices or do not have enough port power for the device to work properly.