Questions & Answers

reconnect cascaded mixers without power down

+2 votes
asked Jan 7, 2018 in Ai Mixers by keithfinch (140 points)
Several times our RM32AI mixers have lost the cascade function. It may have something to do with the first mixers network card I don't know. But we will going along just fine and then the Main unit gets lost, like it just took a vacation and does not want to talk to the networked devices (CS18, UC Surface, Qmix-UC) The CS18 drops to No connection at all, The first mixer will not show on Qmix or UC surface it starts at what should be ch33.

Is there a way to force the mixer to reset its network connection without power down? I know it needs to be turned on first in normal startup. But if I am in the middle of event and someone is talking I cannot reboot without the 1812 Overture sound alike happening.

Thanks for ANY help.