Questions & Answers

Can i use a RM32ai as a stage box for my 16.4.2ai?

0 votes
asked Aug 11, 2017 in Ai Mixers by jedilunchbox281 (290 points)
So i currently own a 16.4.2ai and a 32.4.2ai , i'm thinking of adding a RM32 to my aresenal for different gigs and want to know what the limitations are about using it as a stage box for both mixers (at different times of course). Is it possible? do i need the AVB card? How do they connect? How many auxes will i have?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 12, 2017 by thomasdaniel (180 points)
edited Aug 12, 2017 by thomasdaniel
I also have a 16.4.2ai and the RML16...  I would like Presonus to provide a complete answer to this question for us.  The overall answer appears to be "yes" the two can be used together... the frustration with this question is the answer is in bits and pieces spread out over the presonus internet, and several pieces of the answer seems to be dated and possibly no longer valid..  I would like Presonus to put together a concise detailed "how to" do this.   From my understanding of the pieces that I've cobbled together...  need to make sure both devices firmware is supported to work with each device.  The RML becomes a "smart" stagebox, ..BUT... you still have to use either an iPad, iPhone, or laptop and (can be connected wireless through a router that is also connected to the 16.4.2ai) to actually manage and use the RML to manage the monitor mixes...  I'm not clear if you have to have an AVB card, or a Dante card... they look similar
0 votes
answered Aug 12, 2017 by thomasdaniel (180 points)
There is an RM Applications PDF document online somewhere...  that provides high level diagrams on various connection options... it doesn't have a date on it so I don't know how / valid it is.... it appears to be from before 2015...
