Questions & Answers

Names not being loaded when loading a saved Scene

0 votes
asked Jan 15, 2018 in Ai Mixers by markbell7 (120 points)
We've recently purchased a StudioLive 16.4.2 AI mixdesk.

We've managed to create a Scene after changing the channel names etc and setting them as required..

Unfortunatley, when loading back the preset, the Name is Off by default and is not loaded.

Also, the settings are not being stored after the 3 seconds noted in the manual.

Can you help please?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2018 by mikekremer (180 points)
When you load a scene, under the Recall button there are a set of Recall Filters.  Make sure "Names" is selected in the list.  On ours the PreAmps filter got accidentally turned off and it took me forever to figure out why the preamps were getting screwed up when we changed scenes.  But if that's the issue, it's really easy to fix!