Questions & Answers

Saving a previously saved scene

0 votes
asked Oct 15, 2016 in Ai Mixers by mikemcknight (190 points)
Thanks for the help.  I understand the board remembers the last setting; very helpful in South Florida.  I am explicitly recalling a saved scene.

The issue I'm having is saving changes to an existing scene.  Power up the board, select scene, value encoder to scene (let's say, 2), select recall, adjust faders (name and faders are set to 'yes') to unity.  During the performance make some changes that would like to be saved as the new default setting for scene 2.  At end of performance how does one save those changes?  That is my question.

One would think, perhaps, to hit store twice; but, that doesn't seem to work (thinking that would overwrite the scene).  I don't want to save to a different location, I want the team who uses that scene to be able to recall it next time, with the changes saved.  Interestingly, I found that when recalling the scene if I hit recall twice most of the changes show up as saved and the faders can be reset to unity.  It's a mystery to me.  Am I missing something or do I have to save it always to a new (blank scene)?

Thanks again,


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 15, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
edited Oct 15, 2016 by wahlerstudios

Ok, second try... You can load the entire scene, or filter out portions of it. I have seen with the later firmwares, that randomly basic settings are changed, even though I have never touched them. I need to adjust the settings (filters) and recall the scene again to get it fully working. This can be quite confusing.

So this is how the settings of the filters should be (page 1 of "Scene"):

Name: Yes
Mute: Yes
FX: Yes
Assigns: Yes
Eq-Dyn: Yes
Aux Mix: Yes
Faders: No
Pots: No

GEQ: Yes

The settings for Faders and Pots should always be "No" to prevent any conflict between the stored values and the physical settings. In the case of different people working on the board at different times, Faders, Pots and Gains should be adjusted manually. Alternatively you can leave volume levels of auxes at unity and put a sign there with "DO NOT TOUCH"... wink

Hitting the "Recall" button twice does not do anyhing, but you need to press the "Store" button twice, if you want to save/overwrite a scene. Page 2 allows to choose the location and change the name of a scene, but if nothing needs to be changed, pressing the "Store" button a second time overwrites the selected/present scene with the latest settings of the board.

It is said that filters can not be applied when saving a scene. At least UC Surface lets you select or deselect filters before saving, so I'm not too sure that always the "entire scene" is saved.
