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Will we get a impact upgrade?! [Completed 4.0]

+24 votes
asked Jan 18, 2018 in Completed Feature Requests by arielacevedo (440 points)
There’s a lot of minor improments that should have but havnt been made.  Because of their slick mpc like drum machine, Maschine and Ableton push are pretty much dominating the hiphop market .  It would be great if impact can get an upgrade to features such as better GUI, better editing, internal fx (compressor, eq, sat, transient),  better loop editing, banks (rather just 16 pads), time stretch, wav editing, midi fx (hi hat rolls, flams, ghost notes,ect) pad follows midi (on my mpk249 hitting the pads doesn’t corresponds within the plugin only via mouse) just some feature I feel the studio one community would very much appreciate!

6 Answers

0 votes
answered May 21, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

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+1 vote
answered Jan 18, 2018 by matthewrymarz (1,160 points)
I agree with everything except a few. You can adjust transients in impact already. You can add any effect to it's output too so more internal effects isn't needed but a bandpass is. More outputs for impact too would also be great. Also the ability layer samples in one pad and have an a/b so you can compare samples easily
+3 votes
answered Jan 26, 2018 by joeljossie (5,340 points)
I think the most needed upgrade has to do with layering. Velocity layering is really unintuitive and not that powerful currently. It would be great if the layers could crossfade into each other at different velocity levels. Also, non-velocity layering would be great, so one pad can play several samples at once. This would be really powerful if you could also adjust timing of the individual layers, as well as independent FX for each layer. Could be getting too complicated at that point, though.
+2 votes
answered Feb 25, 2018 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
I personally think being able to layer multiple samples on a pad in a way that they play simultaneously is the biggest extra Impact feature I would appreciate.

Although I would like to see the filter response get fixed. Currently if you have a filter envelope engaged and fire off the same Drum hit over and over, the filter will react differently/inconsistently about a third of the time.
+1 vote
answered May 12, 2018 by cristianomello (640 points)
Yes, definitely! I would love to see Impact gaining the envelopes and effects of MaiTai!
0 votes
answered May 29, 2019 by lewpshekla (2,660 points)
I want to see impact turn into something like Groove Agent SE,Kong and iMPC pro 2 sampling type hybrid please and please let’s as adjust start and end points and change sounds from ATOM controller!? Thanks