Questions & Answers

Can my older FireStudio Mobile operate with the newest version of Studio One 3?

+1 vote
asked Jan 18, 2018 in FireStudio Series by mongopeavey11 (160 points)
Can my older Firestudio Mobile work with the latest version of Studio One 3?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 20, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
Yes, any audio interface with ASIO support on Windows or Core Audio support on OS X will work with any version of Studio One including version 3.
0 votes
answered Jun 18, 2018 by mBrane (520 points)

Oh, sure, but just until you upgrade to Studio One 4!  Apparently, PreSonus has arbitrarily decided to suddenly remove support FOR THEIR OWN AUDIO INTERFACE in THEIR OWN PRODUCT!  This is criminal.  I spent money for Zero Latency in a PreSonus Product.  They "allowed" it to work from the Original Studio One through the latest Studio One 3.

Suddenly, they must have lost the code that made this work, because now it doesn't work.  COMPLETELY ARBITRARY.  Sure builds confidence for buying your next PreSonus product, doesn't it?  Nothing like crippling your own products to force an upgrade and generate revenue.  Grrr...

0 votes
answered Sep 11, 2018 by kimosid (340 points)
edited Sep 12, 2018 by kimosid

I spent money for Zero Latency in a PreSonus Product.  They "allowed" it to work from the Original Studio One through the latest Studio One 3. 


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