Questions & Answers

how do i transfer a product key for Studio one software?

0 votes
asked Jan 23, 2018 in Studio One 1 by karelagborambang (120 points)
I purchased a pre-owned version of the studio one software. It has the product key on it. However, when I downloaded the software, it asked for my the product key and login info as usual. When I put in the product key, it said the product key has already been registered. So how do I fix this, or get it to transfer to me?

Please help

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 24, 2018 by pauldecesare (5,720 points)

You'll want to get a hold of the previous owner, they need to initiate the transfer. Tell them in the email exactly where to do that and hopefully they'll get on it. The instructions are:

  • Once you login to the PreSonus site, click on My Account under the logo at the top right of the page.
  • When that opens, click on My Products along the top.
  • The page opens defaulted to Hardware. Click on the Software button at the upper left and you'll see your list.
  • Find Studio One and click View More Details.
  • Under your serial number you'll see a link that says Transfer License. There is where you initiate the process.