Questions & Answers

How do I implement MOTU MIDI Express 128 in Studio One?

+1 vote
asked Jan 23, 2018 in Studio One 3 by marcusvickers (190 points)


I am struggling to figure out how to get my MOTU MIDI Express 128 to work with Studio One 3.  I am currently running Studio One 3 Artist to see if Professional is something I'll be interested in (migrating over from Ableton Live).


  • Dell XPS PC
  • PreSonus Audiobox 1818 VSL with Digimax D8
  • MOTU MIDI Express 128
  • Novation Impulse 49 MIDI controller
  • Various hardware synths

I have the majority of my hardware synths on their own port on the MIDI Express so I can leave them all on Omni and not worry about specific channels.  The only exception is two synths on channel 8.  Here is my Instrument/MIDI setup in S1:

Here is my audio setup:

I see where my Impulse is sending MIDI data to my MOTU:

However, it doesn't look like my MIDI express is actually receiving that data.  The numbers on the front light up with MIDI data is transferring on that channel and none of them light up when I try to send data through it.  I've tried to play from my MIDI controller and by drawing MIDI data into a MIDI track and neither works.

I have no issues running the MIDI Express in Live but I believe that's because Live gives you the option to edit the MIDI Express' input and output ports seperately:

Any help would be appreciated.


3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 24, 2019 by ronzabrocki (620 points)
I am currently having the same problem. Have ever figured this out?
+1 vote
answered Sep 10, 2019 by carlobandini (380 points)
Same problem.
I'm waiting a solution before buying the Studio one 4 professional.
+1 vote
answered Sep 10, 2019 by marcusvickers (190 points)
I never got a definitive answer or figured it out. I bought Cubase 10 instead and it's been handling everything great!