Questions & Answers

How do I set up my NI KK s49 to work through MIDI connections on an AudioBox iTwo in S1-3?

+3 votes
asked Jul 15, 2017 in Studio One 3 by jeremiahshafer (180 points)


I recently purchased a PreSonus AudioBox iTwo. I'm trying to run my NI Komplete Kontrol s49 through the MIDI connections but I'm not getting any audio and, even when I add the keyboard and set it up in S1-3 to go through the AudioBox iTwo MIDI OUT (after reading that the port names had been reversed by accident in another article). I can get neither simple MIDI functionality nor the great functionality of being able to control the Komplete Kontrol 11 plugin from my s49.

I've scoured the internet for tutorials and I have yet to find an answer to this question. Please help!


15" MacBook Pro (early 2011)

2 GHz Intel Core i7

16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

Studio One Pro 3.5.1

NI Komplete Kontrol s49 (AUDIO 2 DJ Driver 2.8.0)

Komplete Kontrol (v 1.8.3)

PreSonus AudioBox iTwo (firmware v1.3.2)

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 17, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
First, use the USB MIDI of the Komplete Kontrol keyboard.  Connect the USB from the keyboard to your computer.

Secondly, please read these articles for setting up External Midi Devices with Studio One 3, this covers the basics and gives a basic over view of setting up MIDI devices:

Then, the following information pertains to Komplete Kontrol specifically.

1. When you go to Options >  External Devices in Studio one, you add the New Keyboard, and then put the MIDI Send To and Receive From through Komplete Kontrol Port 1. This controls the keys.
2. When you add the New Control Surface, you put the send through Komplete Kontrol DAW 1 and leave Receive From blank.
3. With those settings you should be able to use it as a MIDI controller and also integrate the Komplete Kontrol software for instrument tracks.

Here is a YouTube user showing how to setup NI Komplete Kontrol:

Please keep in mind, we don't have the Komplete Kontrol here, so the above information is the best we can offer without the board. If the above information doesn't help, please start threads on the Native Instruments forums and Studio One forums for community help.

Best regards.
0 votes
answered Nov 20, 2018 by shanepayne1 (3,770 points)
I'm just UPvoting everything and commenting to remind you that WE didn't forget!

Note: I am sure native instruments is a huge factor in the integration.

 However, I am also sure that since they have already intergrated with logic & Live They would be willing to work with Presonus as well.

Also, Considering your own integration with other software such as Melodyne, Console one, softube tape, & Vocalign, I am sure you could take integration even further and add features Such as recording the OUTPUT of the "Smart features" directly into the piano roll for editing with your own midi tools!