Questions & Answers

********* X-Touch & Nektar Impact LX88+ at same time?

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asked Jan 30, 2018 in Studio One 3 by lawrencebrandt (820 points)

I have Studio One 3. I'm considering a ********* X-Touch control surface, and a

Nektar Impact LX88+ keyboard controller. So, what I'm wondering is I can find documentation where each of these work with Studio One 3. But can both at the same time? I'd like to be able to use the X-touch for most items, but for effect settings maybe I'd use the keyboard.

But both have a USB, and I can connect them both to separate ports on my Windows 10 desktop. If I could, I'd like a change in one controller's pot or fader to be reflected in Studio One, and then I'd be able to change it with the other controller, if needed.

