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I'm a total beginner and need help getting my Impact LX88+ working on StudioOne Live

0 votes
asked Sep 27, 2017 in Studio One 3 by josephgifford (170 points)
A couple weeks ago I downloaded the free trail of Studio One 3, largely based on a recommendation or two and the fact that it's supposed to be well integrated with the midi I got, the Nektar Impact LX88+. I'm a complete newcomer to anything more technological than every day computer and phone usage, and I have no idea why I can't get any sound to play.

I'm on Windows 10, HP 15.6" touch screen lap top. When I connect the Impact, it seems that it's registering with the daw because I see corresponding notes flashing on the screen when I press various keys, but I can't get any sound out of it. My friend was able to fiddle around, clicking here and there, and he actually got it playing for a bit. I fiddled with it for a bit before (apparently) clicking something I shouldn't have, and now the sound is gone again.

It's listed as "connected" in my external devices, the volume is up...I'm stuck.
Also if there's some freakin tutor service out there that caters to this, I'd love to know >.< ****'s hard

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 28, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer

You will want to read the following setup guide from Nektar's web site.

The answer might be as simple as going into your External Devices window and double-clicking the device.  Check the option to set the device as the default instrument.  If you don't choose the option to set your device as a default instrument, you will need to open the Inspector window for the track that you have a virtual instrument loaded on and manually choose the Input.

We have included a few resources that may assist with helping to further your knowledge of our Studio One DAW. Compiled below are several links to Manuals, Videos, and our Forums; which will help you through the process of learning how to use Studio One.

The Manual
The manual in Studio One 3 is a great resource and starting point for when you have any questions about setup, usage, or wish to further your knowledge of the software.

PreSonus YouTube Channel

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PreSonus User Account:
Log into your user account and select the "My Products" link and then choose "My Products" then select the "Software" tab, click on the listing of your registered software (View More Details). Scroll down to the bottom of the page to locate the "Learn" section. You will find a list of videos there that are a tutorial set of Studio One "how to usage" videos.

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Third party tutorial sites:
An excellent resource for Studio One beginners can also be found on the learning resource Check out the two-hour course at this link.

Studio One training videos have hit and are available here. With over two hours of extensive video training for Studio One 2, this is an excellent resource for musicians of all skill levels. Focused on songwriting, the 22 sections of the course cover every aspect of the software, from basic setup to mixing and mastering your final project.

If Studio One training one-on-one, with a real human, is what you require, there are few better resources than We have partnered with Obedia to provide Studio One training from the beginner to advanced level.

Groove3’s tutorial videos are available at These in-depth videos will get you up and running quickly with Studio One. Groove3 also hosts videos about a multitude of other audio programs and techniques that you may find useful. If you’re interested in Studio One and in digital recording techniques in general, Groove3 is a superb choice. The videos are inexpensive and can be streamed from anywhere.

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