Not implementing soft-takeover in Studio One is an oximoron. One big reason why Studio One earned appretiation from new adopters was that the process of linking a hardware control to a software parameter was very quick an easy. Unfortunately, Presonus completely ignored the fact that the vast majority of MIDI controllers uses regular pots and non-motorized faders. Here is a list of controllers that use endless encoders:
- ********* BCR2000 (discontinued): Not perfect but still the best endless encoder controller ever made.
- ********* X-TOUCH MINI: Encoders require more than a full turn to go from 0 to 127. Encoders are detented (duh!).
- DJ Tech Tools MFT (development stopped): Not as fully feeatured as the BCR, looks pretty but still has some firmware bugs and it's not seen any updates foro years.
- Livid Code 2 (discontinued): Was the perfect MIDI controller—on paper—. In reality, encoder values would jump all over the place and not be able to follow fast encoder twisting. Returned mine after one day.
- Doepfer Pocket Dial (discontinued): and uses the Doepfer encoder protocol which is only supported by Doepfer and Studio One.
- Arturia Beatstep: Average encoders. Encoders are detented (duh!). Encoders don't have LED rings.
- Akai APC40 mk2: has 16 endless encoders, have not tried it personally so I can't comment. The only problem is that it has 9 regular faders which would also need soft-takeover.
- Mackie C4: Discontinued, encoders were too low-res, requiring too much turning to go from 0 to 127. Also, encoder caps were undersized.
Those are all the available options I can think of. As you can see, not so many, and most of them either inadequate or, worse, discontinued.
Also, there are too many endless encoder implementations, and there's never a guarantee that a given host can support a particular protocol e.g. Doepfer protocol.