Questions & Answers

I can´t find the latest Firmware version (1 . 7. x . x ) for Studiolive 16 Series III.

0 votes
asked Feb 3, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by danieltorres5 (150 points)

I want to have DAW control on my Presonus Studiolive 16 Series 3. I have a Mac Book Pro MacOS High Sierra.

I have seen the videos that explain how to update the firmware versión of the SL16 but... In My Presonus account the latest firmare version I see is the v1.6.13152 Released: Nov, 28th 2017, and as I know I would need the versión 1.7 to have the DAW Control available.

I know that for the SL32 the firmware versión 1.7 is available but it is not for the SL16.

How or Where can I find the latest Firmware for the Studiolive 16 Series III ???  

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 5, 2018 by markgreiner (2,500 points)
selected Jul 5, 2018 by benpierce
Best answer

Version 1.7x is out as a public beta, so you’re not going to see it where PreSonus posts the production releases—probably for a while longer.

You can find the public beta here

Be sure to read all the warnings and notices if you plan to load beta firmware on your unit.

