Questions & Answers

Audio Event Anchor Point, to better align Audio within the event in the arrange window.

+5 votes
asked Feb 4, 2018 in Editing by djmindcraft1 (1,220 points)
Audio Event Anchor Point, to better align Audio within the event in the arrange window.
The anchor point should be able to be placed anywhere freely within the event audio edit window
to be able to have the audio anchor to that particular anchor point in the arrangement window.
Many DAWs do this already, I have yet to find it within Studio One.
Sorry bit its a bit hard to explain.

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Feb 4, 2018 by niles (54,630 points)
selected May 21, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

I would recommend to vote and comment here: FR: Ability to add an 'anchor' or 'hitpoint' to and audio file, since it already has more votes.

0 votes
answered Feb 4, 2018 by djmindcraft1 (1,220 points)
thank you :)  will vote for it now :)