Questions & Answers

Using X-Touch Controller, no response, any tips?

0 votes
asked Nov 25, 2015 in Studio One 2 by bradcox (150 points)
Support or recognition for the ********* X-Touch control surface not listed in recognized controllers with Studio One 2. No interface or control functions seem to work, looking for any tips or help in getting this up and runnning. ********* no help so far.
commented Feb 5, 2016 by DominicB (17,160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 25, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
selected Dec 12, 2015 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
You are correct, that controller is not listed in Studio One, nor are the hundreds, even thousands of MID Controllers and MIDI devices that exist. We support a core list of controllers and add a select few each release. Fortunately we've made the system amendable so you can add your own controller. It's very easy.

To setup your controller, you'll need to add it to Studio One yourself manually.

There is already an article on how to do this, please go to this link to find out how.