Questions & Answers

MCU, change to bank on Fader select

+1 vote
asked Feb 26 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by ansolas (4,250 points)

Lets say we have a MCU Device with 8 Faders.

Our Project has 80 Tracks, so we have 10 Fader Banks รก 8 Faders

At the moment Bank 1 is active. 

When we now select track 80 in Studio One, the MCU device should automatically switch to bank 8, so that we can immediately grap the fader (as it works under Logic)( without hammering the fader bank Button 8 times and jumping faders are annoying loud)

An alternative behavior would be a command that switches the bank similar to a FaderPort 16. With the FP16, you click the main encoder to do this
