Questions & Answers

Layer Selection vs. Layer Promotion Option

+1 vote
asked Feb 19, 2018 in Editing by brconflict (2,060 points)

In Track View, when track Layers are expanded, you have an up-arrow in the layer's header under the track, used to promote  a layer to be the layer played back in the track. This weekend, I was tracking a band that was quick to review all takes (one take per layer) on drums. The easiest way I found to do this is to select all tracks, and use the little up-arrow to promote each take. The problems come in when I have doubts as to which layer is promoted---which layer we're auditioning. I have to rely on the Inspector to show me which Layer is promoted. 

The main problem is, when freshly opening a Song, sometimes the layer shown in the Inspector is not the layer promoted. So, I have to promote another layer and re-promote the previous layer for the Inspector to show the right layer selected. 

Is there the possibility to allow me to select a layer vs. promote one? The numbers for the layers gets confusing fast when switching. More, at times, even with all tracks selected, and I click the arrow next to, for example, Layer 3 to be promoted, not all tracks' Layer 3 is promoted. It requires me to unselect the tracks and re-select them all to correctly make this work. Even more, sometimes, new Layer numbers appear, which never existed before. 

I feel there's some bug there, but it's just confusing in general, and would be more handy to just display the Layer selected by highlight or color change vs making the Layer disappear and simply be the one shown only in the Track. 

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 29, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
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