Questions & Answers

My AKai MPD218 won’t record but I can hear notes playing.!

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asked Feb 21, 2018 in Studio One 3 by jordanjohnson-tabb (140 points)

Jordan Johnson-TabbToday at 01:02

I just bought an Akai mpd218 and I synced it to s|1 and everything is working fine. I programmed the drums so now I can beat the pad and hear the drum kits. I see the activity in the mixer/bus window next to edit at the bottom right. The only problem is when I go to actually record the activity meter for my track isn’t showing. No orangish decibel meter like normal catching everything...just noise. How do I get my midi to record in the impact plug in

I am using the MacBook Pro 2015

10.10 system update 


Studio One 3 | Artist
