Hello,i have a Problem with my external Synthesizers.
I have controlled them via my Motu 4x4 on a USB 2.0 Port (also tried different USB Ports as well as USB 3.0)
When i send Miditracks out to the Synth´s i have Problems to record the Synthesizers wich contain following Problems:
1. The recorded Material has always a offset (like in the picture)

Therefore i tried to set the general Midi offset in Options, but this wont affect the recorded Material at all, it always stays in the same offset like in the Picture above.
When i try to set the offset individual on each Miditrack, i have heavy Midinote hangings.
Also i brought it so far that it would record the first note on the Grid like supposed in the Miditrack and then after that the second note comes offset.
2. When i send Midi Sync and Midi Start on each instrument, my external Synths are having heavy Problems to get a accurate Midiclock.
This affects synced Delays wich glitch/jitter heavy and LFO´s that are synced to the DAW.
3. I have tried to controll the external Synths with USB Midi only on different USB Ports as well, and there is the same Problem, so i assume to exclude that the problem is the 4x4 Motu Midiinterface.
4. I have tested the Problem on both of my Studio PC´s wich are:
- AMD based (selected high end parts only) on a 19" Case PC on Windows 10
- HP EliteBook 8570w Intel Based, wich is also a very good machine (even better than the AMD), also Windows 10.
The HP Elitebook has PCM CIA FW Card from Texas Instruments wich was also tested with the Studio Live 16.4.2 Board.
I use Zero Latency Monitoring with my Studiolive 16.4.2 with a Texas Instruments Firewirecard.
My Settings are low latency in the Universal Control Panel, i also tried normal mode and safe mode, wich makes no big difference.
I have mostly a buffer Size between 32 and 128, but mostly 64, wich runs very fine is i work "in the box" only, i can open lot´s of plug ins (also 3rd party) and still have a good performance.
I Have tried to record my external Synths in other ways as well, wich no Zero Latency Monitoring, or no Dropout Protection, wich makes no difference on recording my external Synths.
Also if i record a Synthesizer by playing live with my hands (without sending Midinotes), everything is on the spot as good as i play live, so there are no Problems, but still the glitches/jittering exists for synced Parameters of the Synthesizers.
I have following Synths connected:
Arturia Minibrute
Roland System 1
Novation Circuit
Novation Mininova
Korg Volca Bass
Both Machines have the latest Version of Studio One V3
Also i tried not to work with any of my templates, but only make a new empty song with only one external Synth with one Miditrack and one Audiotrack to recieve the Audio, and the results are the same.
No other Plug ins, Busses or FX Returns where used at this time.
PS: Hopefully i have adressed my problem as good as possible.
I have to complete, if there are some missunderstandings, please tell me, i have aspergers autism, and often have problems to express myself in the right way, or describe the problem understandable, wich often results in problems and makes things more complicated as they already are.
So please let me know, if something is unclear in this case,because i Adressed this Problem already in the Presonus Facebook Group called "Presonus Studio One" by Nick Critchley, he and many many others helped me as good as possible.
Also he told me he already contacted the Tech support for me, and to tell me to adress my problem directly.
Thank you in advance, best greetings from Germany, Frowin von Boyen