Questions & Answers

Using the Series lll, is there a “Best Practice” when setting the INPUT GAIN using the EQ meters now in UC Surface 2.0

+2 votes
asked Mar 8, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by johnandersen (2,220 points)

Using the Series lll, is there a “Best Practice” when setting the INPUT GAIN using the EQ meters now in UC Surface 2.0.

We have 3 basic ways to affect the final output of a channel, (yes for all you rock stars we also have compression, limiters, etc. ) but I’m curious on your basic thoughts

?? Input Gain vs. Channel Fader vs. Main Fader (or Aux Fader)

1. Using the UC Surface Metering indicator located on the EQ tab you can monitor both In & Out levels. In relalationship to “0” where do normal target as a starting point on the ‘Input” side, also keeping any peaking in mind?

2. Setting the Channel Fader to Main Fader relationship?

In working with the 16R for our first show, I came across something I hadn’t noticed before and I wanted to get your thoughts.

The Vocals, (for example) sounded fuller if I had the Main Fader at “U+” and raised or lowered the channel Fader vs. what I had been doing by setting the Vocals @ “0” & then adjusting the Main Fader.

So... summing up my question   ... How hot to run the input gain & setting the Output Fader Higher & Channel Fader lower or the reverse?



1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 25, 2018 by benpierce (99,480 points)
Best answer