Questions & Answers

Unresponsive Plugins Studio One 3.5

0 votes
asked Mar 8, 2018 in Studio One 3 by johnpatton2 (270 points)
I am having issues with Plugin Alliance Brainworx plugins and Izotope RX6 plugins. I can see them listed in my browser only as VST3's (all my other plugins list both VST 2.4 and VST 3 versions), and when I try to drag them onto a track, nothing happens.  They simply don't load.  I'm not sure what to do beyond making sure that the plugin directory is pointed to the correct folders on my computer and rescanning the blacklist.  I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, always to the default folders and adding those folders to the plugin directory.  Do both types of VST's need to be listed in the browser for a plugin to work? I am installing both types and the folders they are installed to are in the directory.

I'm using a Windows 10 system and Studio One 3.5, both fully updated.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 11, 2018 by lutzvogelsang (1,680 points)
You might want to open a support ticket for this question. Most likely Presonus Support will help you out.