Questions & Answers

presonus studiolive rm32ai AUX and external interfaces

0 votes
asked Mar 9, 2018 in Ai Mixers by moncosta (310 points)
Hi Guys,

I am struggling to find out how I operate external interfaces lie preamps, compressors, etc, via the AUX like you do in a mixing table and if 1 interface connected, can be applied to the multiple tracks without having to keep unplugging and plug the connections. Can someone explain how it is done in the presonus studiolive rm32ai?

Thanks in advance

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2018 by benpierce (99,480 points)
Best answer
There are no inserts on AI rack mixers. So the only way is to send a signal to the eternal unit via an AUX then return it to a channel.