Questions & Answers

updating to the beta daw control on series 3

0 votes
asked Mar 18, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by edenrhds (640 points)
is it worth getting the DAW control for my studio live 24 series 3? I have heard some problems with it and am wondering if I should take the risk or wait till the final update comes out. if it is worth it where do I get the update from?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 19, 2018 by jonnylipsham (14,860 points)
selected Jun 25, 2018 by benpierce
Best answer
Go to the Forum. Then find the StudioLive Series 3 forum and there you will find the DAW Control Beta forum. Please read ALL the Announcement area documentation and the associated docs in the top threads. You will find the DAW Mode Beta firmware there. And, to be honest, there are virtually no problems with it if you install it correctly, following all the instructions contained in the DAW Control Manual.
0 votes
answered Mar 22, 2018 by bogarguzman (620 points)
Answer to be able to connect Studiolive Series III to Studio one in DAW Control.

1. You must login into your account at

2.. You must go to Public Beta forum, this link

3. Click on "Click here to verify you are human"

4.The 5th topic with the yellow lock is were the "BETA" firmware 1.7.13343 is to be downloaded.

5. Choose the one for your console. Unzip it and copy to an SD Card the .img file. Of course your SD Card is connected to your computer and mounted as a disk, using a Card Reader or inserted into a slot in your computer.

6. Insert the SD Card into your console and go to System/Firmware and touch "check for update", it will show you the SD Card update.

7. Do the update and wait until it finish ( around two minutes)

8. The only way to make the DAW Control to work is connecting your Console Ethernet to a Router, and the computer to the same Router. This way they are in the same network.

9. Open Studio One, and touch the DAW button in your Console.

10. Enjoy finally your DAW Control.

Beers for everybody