Questions & Answers

How do I setup my Aux Outputs using my studiolive series 3 mixer with studio one in DAW mode

0 votes
asked Apr 30, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by luccrispin (1,190 points)
I want to use my Studiolive 16 Series 3 mixer as a USB interface. I also want to use Studio One for my DAW. I figured out how to get my Main L+R output to work by selecting the Tape L+R (37+38) but how do I use my Mix Outputs so I can modify what the musician wants to hear while I can hear something else in the mixer booth. I want to be able to create another output and be able to provide with the click for example.

Thanks in advance.


2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 1, 2018 by MikeGoodwin (1,890 points)
selected May 30, 2018 by benpierce
Best answer
Go into the audio setup for the song and click on the little check box that says "cue". Then you rout things from the mixer in S1. There is a much better description of it in the manual. But it is a very elegant solution. You still have to setup your routing but it is all there. You can also always run UC Control on a second computer or tablet and use it as a dedicated aux controller if you wanted.
0 votes
answered Feb 12, 2019 by stepanlohnickij (140 points)
Hi Luc,

could you please post a printscreen of your setup in StudioOne? I am also strugglig the same issue. I want to record the whole band and replicate the aux setup we´re using in UC but with no luck.
I don´t get to hear anything from any output of my StudioLive. Also, I am unable to route click to any aux or main L+R.