Questions & Answers

OS x Yosemite and 1818vsl

+1 vote
asked Dec 1, 2015 in AudioBox USB by smeiman (1,610 points)
OK, being that my firends at the StudioLive Ai camp have failed me, I'll have to fall back on the old reliable 1818VSL and Digimax D* lightpipe system.  I have not ever hooked up the 181VSL to my MacBook Pro running Yosemite.  I have not done any firmware upgrades to the 1818VSL for some time as I have been using the 32 Ai and Capture 2 for my recordings.  Universal Control (UC Surface) and Capture 2 have been updated to the latest as well as the 32 Ai.  What do I do now?  I want to start using the 1818VSL and the Digimax D8 as my recording interface into my MacBook Pro running Studio One 3 Pro.  Do I download the 1818VSL latest and greatest drivers from PreSonus sight and plug and play the 1818VSL with the Digimax D8 lightpiped to the VSL?  Or do I need to do something else?  Thanks for your help!

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 10, 2015 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
selected May 5, 2016 by mattcaprio
Best answer
Yes, I would recommend installing the latest AudioBox 1818 VSL driver (v1.3) found here - .

If you have trouble with the D8 i/o setup in Studio One you'll want to go to the "Song" drop down menu, click "Song Setup", then click on the "Audio i/o Setup" tab.

From there you can add additional tracks that route to the D8's inputs.

However, you will not be able to send output channels from your DAW to the D8s outputs. The D8 outs are direct i/o (meaning input 1 on the D8 routes to output 1 and so on, respectively).
0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2015 by smeiman (1,610 points)
Hey I think I figured it out.  There are still a few things I need to straighten out and test, but it appears that it doesn't automatically build the input and output with the Digimax D8 but creating inputs and outputs it very easy with Studio One.  I did download the latest version 1.3 for the AudioBox.  I'm using Yosemite and have no desire to upgrade to El Capitain (sp).
commented Dec 12, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
That is correct, you have to setup your Audio I/O in Song Setup for each song that you do. It does not get added automatically. They must be configured manually.
+1 vote
answered Dec 3, 2015 by cristofechabot (1,940 points)

I'm using Yosemite and have no desire to upgrade to El Capitain (sp).

Nor should you........ 

commented Dec 10, 2015 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
I would have to generally agree with this statement; especially if you are fond of the VSL mixer software. OSX 10.11 has locked down it's kernel audio processing. This means your VSL units will function however you must remove the VSL drivers via this guide - .