Questions & Answers

Play in to Out / Preview / Audition an edit

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asked Mar 28, 2018 in Studio One 3 by tomrogers (120 points)
I am trying to edit a simple voiceover and one common function I am used to operating in other editors is where I hear a retake, I want to highlight the problematic audio, and then press a shortcut to listen to a) just the highlighted audio b) a couple of seconds prior, skip the section that's highlighted, and jump to play a few seconds after the selection, i.e. previewing what the edit will soundlike when I delete in time.

Some other tools call in Preview edit, or Play in to Out etc. I wonder whether Sound One is more of a music tool and therefore this sort of edit is not so common in a tempo-based environment, but it is common in speech editing.

Much appreciated.

(Currently using free version to test functionality - cannot find this feature so far, so please let me know if available in the full versions)