Questions & Answers

Advanced Customization options for UI and overall skin, and to can create new one and share

+54 votes
asked Mar 28, 2018 in Look and Feel by jeremwal (290 points)


I am a graphic designer, former Logic fan. I love Presonus Studio One, but I would like to be able to customize more deeply the all interface.

The color panel is too poor I find, too many green, blue : it could be great to be able to add new colors from a color wheel (like in Adobe softwares or a lot of other soft...). The transparent colors applied to the bus, tracks, are weird : the orange becomes brown, the green becomes khaki... Well, not very sexy, even if it's a very convenient solution... More options of opacity of the colors would be welcomed...

I would like to change the look of the fader. I find they look like toys, not professional faders. I love the look of the faders of Logic, and also those of Sonar. So to be able to change completely the look of the interface, using images, like in Sonar (for users who are designer too, or passionate by UI design) could be extra ! And to save the user skin, and to share them with the community

I would like to add icon for each track, and to can create or add extern icon like in Logic. it's actually difficult to customize the tracks whithout them, the name is not enough, and beautiful ico is so cool...

Thanks for the read angellaugh

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 29, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

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