Questions & Answers

PC UC control from Tablet

0 votes
asked Apr 8, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by kevinfracaro (640 points)
Target is to control UC surface on Pc connected in FireWire to RM with DSP view from Tablet like a remote desktop to be able to have DSP view inside  UC surface on Tablet.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 13, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,470 points)
Best answer
Run a Tablet with Windows OS that lets you install programs from anywhere and not just Windows App store.

Install UC Surface, and you have your solution.

Windows RT on older versions of Surface from Microsoft do not let you install your own applicaitons.

Surface Pro 2 and newer models do.

3rd Party Tablets that run Windows 10 OS may also let you do this, make sure to do your research before buying.