Questions & Answers

what is the total amp requirement for 2x studiolive 328ai, 1x 18sai and a studiolive 32r?

0 votes
asked Apr 21, 2018 in StudioLive Ai LoudSpeakers by emmanuelchayer (260 points)
I'm about to buy a studiolive series 3 32 fader and a studiolive 32r, and will probably be going for the 328 and 18s speakers/sub, but I would need to know the amp requirement for the rack and speakers/sub so I can get the right power conditioner. All that is listed is wattage and volts, but nothing about ampage.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 13, 2018 by DBreggin (1,310 points)
selected Dec 6, 2018 by jonnydoyle
Best answer

100 Watts = 110 Volts x 0.9 Amps

2000 Watts = 110 Volts x 18.2 Amps
0 votes
answered Aug 29, 2019 by john_kaufman (180 points)
The math is absolutely correct on this, however real world usage may be considerably lower. I run 2x 328s, 2x 18sai, 2x ult15's, 1x 32r, dbx pa2 and 2xafs2, a variety of lights and whatever a band will bring and rarely go above 13-14 amps.  I use a 20 amp furman pl-pro with a volt/amp meter on the back to keep an eye on things during events.

The 18.2 amps in the math example is assuming you're running full bore all the time.