Questions & Answers

Cant hear output through AR 16 USB mixer on IMac

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asked Apr 23, 2018 in AR Hybrid USB Mixers by danielwhite11 (150 points)

I am new to the digital recording and am having some issues connecting my AR16 USB mixer to my computer.  My computer is a new IMac.  It recognizes the AR 16 through the controller.  I can also see it when I open Studio one and pro tools.  When I push the USB option on the mixer i see my Mic signals and they are pretty loud.  But, as soon as I hit record, the mic levels are non existant.  Even when I turn the gain all the way up on the mixer, I get distortion and feedback.  Then to add to the situation, when I try to playback what I recorded, the mixer does not produce any sound.  I have to physically unplug the USB wire from my mixer and use the computer built in output to hear what I recorded.  Any advice on something I am missing to set the gain levels while recording and being able to listen to playback through the mixer??

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 9, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
Best answer
Please see the following article for setting up the AR mixer with your computer.
