Questions & Answers

32r III multitrack recording to iPad (Auria pro)

0 votes
asked May 4, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by richardbenek (230 points)
Hi, I’m considering buying a presonus studiolive 32r series III mixer and I’m wondering if it will work with the iPad DAW AuriaPro as a multitrack recording interface.

Thank you

 I’m currently running the latest iOS and AuriaPro versions (5/2018).

4 Answers

0 votes
answered May 25, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer
The StudioLive Series III is not MFI (Made for iPad) and as such this would not be a support use of the mixer.
0 votes
answered May 24, 2018 by benpierce (99,480 points)
USB recording to an iPad is not supported. If you recorded the mix in Capture on an SD card or computer, you could drop those files into any DAW after because they are just WAV files.
+2 votes
answered May 24, 2018 by richardbenek (230 points)

 We just bought the mixer and I tried it out with my iPad and it works perfectly fine :-)

 I am using the Apple camera kit to get the multi track recording from the USB port to the iPad.  And I’m capturing the audio using AURIA.  The iPad and software recognizes the studiolive 32r mixer as a multitrack audio interface.
0 votes
answered Jan 21, 2020 by williammims (840 points)
Wonder if it works unofficially with Capture for iPad since it works with Auria...